吼...今天早上霧超濃的...算是我住聖地牙哥這麼久第二次看到這麼大的霧說...記得第一次早上起來覺得時間不對的時候,我馬上開窗戶往外看..."到底天亮了沒有阿?" 奇怪勒,外面暗的跟凌晨四點一樣...可是我的鬧鐘明明就是指著早上七點半阿...那一次真的是濃的誇張...我走在路上都看不到前面有沒有行人...真的是所謂的深手不見五指呢!!!我還被一個從霧裡走出來的人嚇了一大跳...他看到我被嚇到自己也在那邊笑...(因為我真的很誇張的往後跳了一小步...切!)...今天的霧倒是沒有像那次那麼濃啦...不過弄得大家都開的超慢的...天哪!Freeway上面給你開時速50mph耶~我真的是開到快要吐血了!!!平常我都是五分鐘,好啦,最多十分鐘就可以開下freeway的...今天居然要給我開到25分鐘左右才下交流道...吼,路上還沒得cut in勒!大家都是開的跟老公公一樣的慢...幸好我的寶司們都很諒解,看到我們遲到也不會見怪...還會說,"That's California for you." 放一張剛剛在校園照的照片給大家看看今天的晨霧...
昨天下午突然肚子不舒服... 可能是中午吃到不新鮮的東西...所以開始拉肚子... 拉的很沒力...想說打個電話去跟店長請假好了... 晚上在家休息... 結果勒...我那店長跟我說,你要找到一個人來代班才可以在家休息... 所以我就很盡心盡力的四處打電話... 想說不要讓他自己一個人關店... 會很累也很辛苦... 偏偏大家剛好不是有課要上,不然就是連手機都沒開... 我連加盟店都打去問說你們有沒有人可以上今天晚上的班的... 但是很不巧都找不到人代班... 所以我只好又打回去跟店長講說, "真的很抱歉...我一個人都找不到...我不是故意不要來上班的...真的not in good shape to work tonight..." 我還說如果他怕晚上關店的時候東西收拾不完, 我可以再最後一個小時的時候可以進來幫他清東西... 他說,"No, I need someone NOW! I have so many stuffs need to get done." 然後就開始跟我發脾氣... "I am freaking sick and tired of everyone calling out on me! Not just you, but EVERYONE! And every time whoever is on the shift, nobody ever does anything around here. I have to freaking pick up everything and the whole store is always on my shoulder! I am freaking sick and tired of that!!! Now that I have a freaking long line of people to help and the freaking phone won t stop ringing!!!! Fine, don t come in then! Just don t ever ask me for any favor anymore!!!"然後就給我掛電話耶!!! 實在是很莫名其妙... 為什麼懶惰Roger可以一通電話進來說他今天沒有車子,所以不能來上班... 店長就默默的接受...自己一個人靜靜的在那邊上班... Roger連一通找人代班的電話都不用打... 我就倒楣要受他這種氣?! 而且他講這話也是很冤枉人耶... 我每次上班都很盡責的把東西整理好才回家的... 每個晚上四個小時多的班,我都還有up sale... 儘量跟客人推銷我們新的東西,新的program... 至少每一個小時我都有銷售出我們那一季在推銷的program... 不像大部分值班的男生們,都是站在那邊聊天... 他怎麼可以把我算在沒有工作的份內??!! 怎麼有這麼不講理的店長... 還給人家掛電話...很不professional... 覺得很冤枉...被他弄得自己在那邊哭了一陣子... 害人家今天早上有泡泡眼... 想說他這麼不appreciate我... 乾脆不要做好了...
A beautiful and blinding morning The world outside begins to breathe See clouds arriving without warning I need you here to shelter me And I know that only time will tell us how To carry on without each other
So keep me awake to memorize you Give me more time to feel this way We can't stay like this forever But I can have you next to me today
If I could make these moments endless If I could stop the winds of change If we just keep our eyes wide open Then everything would stay the same And I know that only time will tell me how We'll carry on without each other
So keep me awake for every moment Give us more time to feel this way We can't stay like this forever But I can have you next to me today
We'll let tomorrow wait You're here, right now, with me All my fears just fall away When you are all I see
We can't stay like this forever But I have you here today
And I will remember Oh I will remember Remember all the love we shared today