Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Shocking News

My friend's cousin died 2 weeks ago during a deadly shooting in the Gaslamp...

I was so shock that I couldn't believe that was her cousin for real...Because I never thought of things like that will happen to people around me...That sounds like something will happen in the movie or in a really, really, really bad neighborhood...It is so sad that her cousin was so young...23 years old...he still has a lot more to see and whole lot more to do for himself...He was just working on his shift...He was an employee at the security office and planned a career in law enforcement, perhaps with the Sheriff's Department...and because that shooting, all these are impossible for him now...

I really don't know what to say...besides feeling very sad and sucks...I think life is just too short and you can't predict what's going to happen...when it's your time to go, you just have to go...won't delay...better enjoy life every moment...treasure everything I have...so it won't be too late for anything...

I do like to see who will show up at my funeral though...'cusp I got this strange though..."whoever shows up in my funeral is my real friend"...I am such a weird kid...

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