Wednesday, March 29, 2006


昨天去朋友家看藝妓回憶錄...嗯...如果真的給星星的話...我想我會給兩顆星星吧...因為好像不是那種會給你印象深刻的電影...要報復的場景不夠狠,要浪漫的感覺不夠多,要內心戲的部分不夠重(我想是演員不太會演...所以不能夠把那種感覺詮釋的很好),要被人家苦毒的場面不夠可憐...他就什麼都參一點點在裡面,所以看到最後會給你一種..."啊?就醬子而已...?然後呢...?"的感覺...唉...我想如果一整部電影都是日本演員,大家通通講日語然後用英文字幕,醬子搞不好會終於原味一點...反正他們雖然講英文,我們都一定需要看英文字幕才懂的他們在說什麼了說...might as well have them all speak in Japanese, right?


Thursday, March 16, 2006


今天辦公室幫我辦生日會...昨天大家還交代我說要晚一點到...我原先就知道他們要裝飾我的位置...沒想到利用我的位置蓋了一個家說...粉紅色的家喲~有花有蝴蝶的...電腦螢幕四周被貼了三隻party小貓, 每一隻都在做不一樣的事; 一隻手捧著禮物,一隻手拿著插著蠟燭的生日蛋糕, 一隻吃的太撐已經躺著睡覺了...真是可愛~

位置旁邊還用粉紅色的衣架子吊著一件白色小背心, 上面也是有三隻小喵喵...小喵喵們說, "I am not trying to be fabulous, but it just keep happening." cute...嘻嘻嘻...剛剛一個同事跟我透露...除了午餐之外,他們今天還訂了一個蛋糕給我,雖然知道我不能吃蛋糕(因為我不能吃 anything with cream), 他們說還是要訂一個給我吹蠟燭說, 所以我可以許願 ...啊,上帝對我真是太好了,在醬子甜蜜的一個辦公室上班...真是給寵壞了...


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

World Baseball Classic

Oh, My God! Korea won AGAIN! I think the USA team is not trying hard at all…they just like to give away all their points whenever they get a chance.
Seriously, they can't catch anything! Did you see the pitcher throw the ball at the Korean guy? Right on the left leg…man, that must be hurt. And one of the Americans threw his bat to the pitcher…what a JERK! My dad said if you are a professional player, you don’t throw your tool no matter what.

I was not going to watch the whole game, but since it was nothing to watch at all while I was doing my exercise, I just stay at the same channel. By then, they were still 0-0. And, then J.B. Lee scored a HR! I was like WOW~ Anyhow, I just tuned in and keep watching…it’s funny to see the USA team can’t catch anything at all…the ball was right in front of him and Chase just kept rolling on the grass….GOD…I was like…”What were they doing during their Spring training?” Even when they tried so hard to go after the ball…the ball wasn’t even going to the direction…they make it look like the ball has legs of its own…”Oh, My God, it went that way!” Did you see the face on the coach of USA team when the game is done? He got this look on his face, “Uh? We are game?” Hopefully, this game will teach the USA team a lesson—“Don’t ever look down on your enemies.”

Well, Korea is going to play Japan next, right? We will see if they can keep up their coolness.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Shocking News

My friend's cousin died 2 weeks ago during a deadly shooting in the Gaslamp...

I was so shock that I couldn't believe that was her cousin for real...Because I never thought of things like that will happen to people around me...That sounds like something will happen in the movie or in a really, really, really bad neighborhood...It is so sad that her cousin was so young...23 years old...he still has a lot more to see and whole lot more to do for himself...He was just working on his shift...He was an employee at the security office and planned a career in law enforcement, perhaps with the Sheriff's Department...and because that shooting, all these are impossible for him now...

I really don't know what to say...besides feeling very sad and sucks...I think life is just too short and you can't predict what's going to happen...when it's your time to go, you just have to go...won't delay...better enjoy life every moment...treasure everything I it won't be too late for anything...

I do like to see who will show up at my funeral though...'cusp I got this strange though..."whoever shows up in my funeral is my real friend"...I am such a weird kid...