Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Why must be so difficult??!

I been very busy this morning...thinking about should I get the ticket for Sunday game or not. And, YES, it took me whole morning to just think about this issue...(陷入超深思狀態)...我想你可能從來沒有看過一個人可以對著ticket master的screen深思這麼久,我想我額頭的皺紋可能抹不平了...and yet, I still can't decided!!! Sh*t! Why must be soooo difficult??! The best seat I can get as of now is section 114,要遠不遠,要近不近的,要看一朗在本壘揮棒看不清楚,要看他封殺外野的球也看不到...好想哭喔...I am so stress...This is harder than programing our Degree Audit System! Damn...想破頭了,真的!!! 想的我肚子餓的不得了還已經吃完我的lunch了...Orz...我看乾脆在家吃hot dog看一朗好了,醬看還比較近一點(心不甘,情不願的)...

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