Friday, June 06, 2008

Personal Temperament Profile

所以呢...這是我的測驗結果~我覺得還蠻準的說! 不然你要是不相信你可以問柳兒~


Summary Part 1 -- Overview

1. You have a unique "Core Dominant Temperament™" or what The Science of Temperaments Institute™ has dubbed your "Temperament DNA™" ("Dominant Natural Attributes"). It is NOT your "personality." You change personalities as circumstances dictate. Your Temperament is inborn and unchangeable.

2. If you know, understand, and accept your Temperament, behave, and act in ways that are consistent and in tune with it, then it is a source of hidden yet immeasurable Power in your life. It is your Power Zone. It will lead you to maximizing your Potential. However, if you do not recognize it or if you fight against it or try to behave in ways that are contrary to you Core Dominant Temperament™, you may set yourself up for failure and create unnecessary problems for yourself in many areas of your life.

Summary Part 2 -- Your Core Dominant Temperament™

Based on your responses to the Assessment, your Core Dominant Temperament™ is what Hippocrates (the "founder" of the study of Temperaments about 3,000 years ago) called "Sanguine." For ease, we avoid the Greek and use color codes for each of the 4 Temperaments. Yours is BLUE!

Blue Temperament
Your Basic Prevailing Wants: Fun, Popularity, Recognition, Spotlight, Attention, Spontaneity. Your Motto: "I Do It The Fun Way"

Creative/Fast Paced/Energetic/Fun Loving/Enthusiastic/Intuitive/Excitable/Social/Charismatic/Chatty/Expressive Intuitive/Life of the Party/Loves the Spotlight/Playful/Spontaneous/Upbeat/Lively


Areas For Improvement:
Easily Bored/Erratic/Impulsive/Lacks Focus/Speaks Before Thinking

Summary Part 3 -- Conclusion

ChingFang, your Blue Core Dominant Temperament™ means you love to have fun, live in the moment, crave spontaneity and variety, and enjoy your life, your work, and your relationships to the fullest. You move fast and are people oriented.

You are most likely impatient, and although you may know perfectly well what you're doing, people with other Temperaments may sometimes assume you're a bit scattered and unfocused. More than any other Temperament, you can lose track of time, misplace your car keys (or your car, for that matter), and bounce from project to project with a million ideas but, perhaps, a lack of follow through. Be cautious about those things.

The main point here is to recognize and identify with many of the traits and characteristics listed above (plus many more as go through your entire Basic Profile). Whether you or others see those traits and characteristics as strengths or shortcomings, you can take comfort in knowing that they are part of your Core Dominant Temperament™ and that they are neither good nor bad...neither right nor wrong. Everyone is different. You are unique. You are well served to not let anyone try to convince you otherwise.

The more you can tune in to your Core Dominant Temperament™, master the information contained in your Basic Profile, and act in concert with it – rather than in conflict with it – the more you will automatically build up your natural strengths, find your personal power and power zones, and give yourself the best possible chance to maximize all of your true potential in whatever you chose to do.


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