Monday, February 09, 2009


上個禮拜五看到Dunkin' Donuts新岀的早點--waffle breakfast sandwich,看的我一整天心神不寧,想吃的不得了,偏偏又吃不到!!!因為加州沒有Dunkin' Donuts的分店...真是可惡! We are living in the United State for crying out loud!!連鎖快點給我連過來吧!!! 難道有錢給你賺還不要咩? 什麼道理阿...我就在想如果我有私人的jet,我一定給他飛過去買一個來嚐鮮...問題是我還不到擁有private jet的level, so I will have to be create here...星期五下班我馬上就衝去超市買冷凍的waffles,smoked honey ham, American cheese and eggs. 星期六起了個大早就在那邊研發我的Waffle Breakfast Sandwich...將將將~~~我的成品跟Dunkin' Donuts的比起來不相上下勒~(自己做的還可以加大)ㄎㄎㄎ~~從此我又多了一樣我愛吃的早點!!!


Miller said...

Very impressive breakfast....get hunger again...><

馨方 said...

Just walk out of your house and there's a dunkin right there! Come on, Miller, you got everything around your house.