Friday, August 22, 2008


早上接到朋友從另一個辦公室打來的電話...跟我說...Lily passed away yesterday...我很斷定的跟她說,WHAT?! No way!! Nah, you got the wrong because I just talked to Lily on Wednesday and she was fine. 她跟我說昨天下午Lily跟平常一樣在電腦教室help new employees on their benefit packages, and she passed out. One of the new employee in the room is a Nurse, she couldn't revived her, so she called 911 right away...but it was too late...I just can't believe...Lily is such a health person...she even ran marathon could a health person like her just gone like that? 那個護士說Lily倒下的時候她的鼻孔流血...所以可能是腦裡的血管爆裂...實在是很震驚...真的,星期三我們一起在workshop的時候,她還很nice的問我需不需要她的幫忙...怎麼今天就 is such a don't know what's going to happen, enjoy your life to the fullness everyday and do take the time to give you family and friends hugs & cares...

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